What We Do?
At Office Assist by ASK we are here to expand your team while increasing customer and prospect interactions with the neighborly care your clients have come to expect. Office Assist by ASK was created in partnership with insurance agents to make your customer feel like they are being helped by a good neighbor. Let us help you get rid of your voicemail and your customer get to talk to a live agent every time they call your agency during business hours!
Why Office Assist by ASK?
Your customers and prospects expect kind, courteous, personal, and efficient service. In short, they crave the ideals of southern hospitality and being a good neighbor that have guided office Assist by ASK for decades.
We provide friendly voices to improve customer experience, reduce costs and achieve greater efficiencies. If a prospect gets voicemail they hang up and call the next name on the list. Don't miss opportunities that you have spent advertising money generating! Let us monetize those missed calls!
Worrying About Your Calls Being Answered Is Time Consuming
Always having to check on received calls to see if you missed any wastes time that could be used on expanding your business. Office Assist by ASK takes that worry away and helps you save money on hiring costs of new front office staff. Let’s face it; employing full time staff to answer your phones is costly and inefficient. Office Assist by ASK greatly reduces the cost involved in keeping your phones answered.
Lost Revenue
When your customers reach a voicemail, they don’t want to deal with waiting for a call back. They are going to the next business down the list and calling them instead. Office Assist by ASK ensures you have a professional answering the phone all the time.
Meet the Team
Rick Burley
I've been President of ASK for more than 25 years now, and while I really enjoy the variety of tasks I tackle daily, my real joy comes from interacting with agents, managers and clients. At ASK, our main tenant is to treat everyone as you would expect to be treated: callers, co-workers and clients.
Forest Burley
Business Development
During my time at ASK I have been able to help build a new department to help serve one of our largest clients. After moving into a sales role, I have been able to leverage my knowledge of how ASK can help our clients. I enjoy working to help bring in new clients onboard and provide them with a clear path to how ASK can help their customers.